Jackson (Teton County VITA)

Senior Center of Jackson Hole
830 E. Hansen Ave.
Jackson WY (off Rancher Street)

Appointments: Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm

Instrucciones para hispanohablantes

See Jackson News for the latest updates.

April 5 – Last day of appointments for intake.
April 12 – Last day of the VITA program.  All tax returns must be picked up.
Review/sign only April 8, 9 and 12

Please come in as soon as possible to avoid the final rush!

If you have questions, please text 307-264-2049 or email tetonfreetax@gmail.com. Text or email is preferred. Use voicemail only if you cannot text or email.

Fecha límite

5 de abril – Último día de citas para admisión.
12 de abril – Último día del programa VITA.  Se deben recoger todas las declaraciones de impuestos. Solamente revisar/firmar 8,9 y 12 de abril.
¡Por favor, vengan lo antes posible para evitar la afluencia final!

Si tiene preguntas, envíe un mensaje de texto al 307-264-2049 o envíe un correo electrónico a tetonfreetax@gmail.com. Se prefiere texto o correo electrónico. Utilice el correo de voz sólo si no puede enviar mensajes de texto ni enviar correos electrónicos. Consulte Instrucciones para hispanohablantes para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo preparar su declaración de impuestos.

Directions for Preparing the Drop Off Packet

Drop off packets may be picked up at the Senior Center of Jackson Hole. If you have questions, please text 307-264-2049 or email tetonfreetax@gmail.com. Text or email is preferred. Use voicemail only if you cannot text or email.

Your packet will contain the following forms and instructions. Be sure to read Directions for Preparing Packets 2025 carefully to make sure your return is eligible for our free preparation service. If you cannot come to the Senior Center to pick up a packet you can print the forms and instructions from the links below:

Directions for Preparing Packets 2025
F13614-C Intake/Interview and Quality Review Sheet
Form14446 Virtual VITA/TCE Taxpayer Consent

We can prepare and efile: prior year tax returns, self-employed, independent contractor returns, Schedules A,B, C and D, Earned Income Tax Credit, Education Credit, Child Care Credit, ITIN returns, returns for ITIN applications and
ITIN information.

We cannot prepare: Rentals (Schedule E), 1040 non-resident returns (in the US less than 183 days), returns for LLC’s, bitcoin/virtual currency sales, NY, CA, CT or complex state returns, healthcare with “shared policy allocation”, depreciation, very complex returns or unusual investment returns. Income limit guidelines (Number in Household)/income: (1) $77,800, (2) $88,900, (3) $100,000, (4) $111,300
(5) $119,900.

1. Items to bring/include in packet:

  • Photo ID: driver’s license or passport, self and spouse
  • Social security card or ITIN letters for self, spouse, dependents (or, copy of last year’s tax return if all persons same as 2023 and if don’t have original documents)
  • Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) if one has been assigned to you, spouse, or dependents
  • Bank Account information (if you want to receive direct deposit of refund or make direct withdrawal payment of taxes)
  • Bring voided check, or written Bank Name, Routing number, Account number
  • Bank Account must be in taxpayer or spouse’s name!
  • 2023 tax return (optional, but very helpful!)

2. Review and complete/sign 14446 Virtual VITA/TCE Taxpayer Consent (included in packet).

3. Complete the yellow form 13614-C Intake/Interview (form in the packet). Be sure to complete/sign the back page 15080 Consent.

This form is available in your packet. You can also download it here.

As you fill out the form 13614-C Intake/Interview, collect/bring any of the following documents that apply to you. (If you aren’t sure if it’s needed, bring it anyway.) Common forms are: W-2s, all 1099s, 1098-T or E, 1095-A (healthcare),5498-SA,1099-SA (for a HSA), some expenses for daycare and/or education (teachers) may be tax deductible (there are limits). For self-employed, bring record of business expenses, including
business miles and income (1099-NEC)

Note on itemizing deductions. The lowest standard deduction (for single or married filing separately) is $14,600. Most taxpayers who qualify for VITA services will not have enough deductions to itemize expenses (Schedule A). However, if you have a mortgage or very high medical expenses, itemizing deductions rather than taking the standard deduction may make sense. Bring documentation for property taxes, form 1098 Mortgage interest, medical expenses (limited to amount over 7.5% of AGI), charitable donations and home sale/purchase documents. Bring any other documents pertinent to your tax return, including any received in an envelope marked “important
tax document enclosed”

4. Schedule an appointment for packet drop-off and intake interview:

5. Review/Sign Appointment

VITA volunteers will contact you (via text) when your taxes are reviewed and completed. Make your review/sign appointment on SignUpGenius. At your appointment, you will review and sign your return. You will receive a printed copy of it for your records. Please do not make a review/sign appointment until after you’ve been notified your return is ready.